
O Departamento de Cinema e Artes dos Media tem uma revista digital. Pode consultar os números aqui.

Os projetos de investigação desenvolvidos no âmbito do Departamento de Cinema e Artes dos Media integram o CICANT.

CICANT – The Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies results from the combined efforts of faculty of the School of Communication, Architecture, Arts and Information Technologies (ECATI) of Lusófona University towards the goal of creating a unit which allows for the integration and harnessing of the research activities conducted within it.

CICANT is geared towards innovative and interdisciplinary research in the field of communication and media research, promoting theoretical and applied research in its three main subject areas: Media Technologies and Literacies (MTL); Media, Society and Culture (MSC); and Media Arts and Creative Industries (MACI), that are a natural follow-up to previous work developed in the unit CICANT was a part of (CIC.Digital).




Based on the aural experience in two parishes of the municipality of Lisbon, Alvalade and Belém, we intend to draw the relationship of the communities with their neighbourhood.


European course in entrepreneurship for the creative industries.

The new technologies drive new behaviors by consumers and the new forms of financing through venture capital in response to the lack of subsidies impose new rules for a growing sector that is considered strategic.

European course in entrepreneurship for the creative industries.

The new technologies drive new behaviors by consumers and the new forms of financing through venture capital in response to the lack of subsidies impose new rules for a growing sector that is considered strategic.


Consórcio Erasmus

Cinema and Media Knowledge Alliance


Erasmus Mundus Master

Master in Documentary Film Directing ERASMUS MUNDUS


Nomadic Realities and Digital Filmmaking

ESSEMBLE is a training programme aimed at the dissemination of digital film production techniques and the uses of virtual imaging amongst students from four different European film and media


Film Term

The goal of the “FilmTerm” project is to create an audiovisual multilingual film art term base, merge international film terminology expertise, prior research and audiovisual examples, unify production standards for creating the audiovisual examples, determine the common features in the film terminology of the partner school countries and map out the differences, develop and put into practice a term base viewing web-platform which would take into account the nature of film art and the requirements of a film school (e.g. would enable displaying of audiovisual examples, the creation of illustrative lecture materials, gamified study materials and tests).



The GBL4deaf research main goal is to assess the potential of digital games in teaching mathematics to deaf children, students of the 2nd and 3rd cycle of Basic Education. The following specific objectives are: a) assess the efficacy of video games for learning mathematics in deaf children, through a comparative research design, using intrasubject comparisons (baseline and endline) and inter-subject comparisons (control group and experimental group); b) Longitudinally analyse the process of learning mathematics in deaf children; c) to measure the engagement of videogames usage for learning; d) to develop a serious game in a user-centred approach.d) To disseminate the results for all stakeholders involved in deaf children education: Policy makers, Eduactors, Families, Associations, media and general Public.



The concept behind HEI-Lab is rooted in the framework of human-environment interaction, and looks at the mutual effects between human behavior and its contexts.

Our mission is to apply converge knowledge from Psychology and Design into a transdisciplinary scientific platform to study human behavior within this interchangeable view.

Digital technology following psychological principles and created with Design and Engineering processes is HEI-Lab’s signature. Our approach offers the opportunity to explore human behavior by digitally modelling its contextual environment. In the context of mental health care, it is part of an eHealth outlook that has been encouraged by leading political and health organizations (e.g., EC, WHO), and which has yet to be consolidated in the Portuguese context.


International Film Student Market

New project funded by Erasmus + strategic partnership programme (2017-1-EE01-KA203-034927)  with a consortium of eight european partners coordinated by Baltic Film School, as Universidade Tallin, Universidade Napier, NAFTA, CILECT. In order for education offered for the film industry to comply with the Europe 2020, ET 2020 and Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan, it has to go through various innovative and bold reforms. While many film education institutions have tackled the broader issues of the curricular reforms, there are some quite specific problems that film education nowadays faces in terms of labor market compliance.





Land care of desertification affected areas: from science towards application – a multimedia prototype

Master Kino Eyes
Erasmus +

This two year MA programme is a brand-new highly intensive fiction film making masters degree supported by ERASMUS+


Media Business School
Media Programme ASBP: Audiovisual Strategic business planning, MBS

Positioning audiovisual companies to compete in the expanding digital market

Media Mundus
Media Programme

CIDOC – Cities in documentary is a continuous training project which main objectives are: a) the training of European and non European audiovisual professionals in the areas of documentary production and distribution


O projetoMigratED_migrações, direitos humanos e educação (2018-2020) – no original Migrations and human rights enhanced through technology in EDucation – pretende levar a cabo uma campanha de sensibilização para a diversidade cultural e a inclusão social. Este é um projecto europeu que envolve nove parceiros espalhados por cinco países. Em Portugal, a 4Change e a Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias são os promotores do projecto que envolverá professores, formadores e alunos, migrantes e refugiados, cidadãos e comunidades.



The general objective of the project is to prevent vulnerable audiences of starting a process of radicalisation by offering them resilience and critical thinking mechanisms. As well as, to convince those already engaged within a process of radicalisation to abandon it or going further by providing an alternative narrative that deconstructs the extremist rhetoric, in order to change violent behaviour.



According to recent studies developed by the European Commission, there is an urgent need to improve Initial Teacher Education (ITE) to make it more attractive, collaborative and system-wide focused. Some of the detected competencies and selection, short term vision and poor evaluation system performance. VIR_TEACH is a step forward to advance on the previous work developed by other networks that have been pursuing the internationalisation of educational practice. While the labour mobility of this sector is in continuous growth, there is no unified format for teacher training at European level. Neither the digital platforms for promoting mobility, nor unified digital tools for the mentoring the needs of students in their internship phase.


Coordenação Pedagógica

International Studies + Comunicação

Edifício L, sala 0.6

International Studies
Pedro Caetano
Hind Kammourieh
Paula Cardoso Martins
Anna Coutinho
Pedro Caetano


Coordenação Pedagógica

  • Manhã
    10:00 - 13:00
  • Tarde
    15:00 - 18:00

International Studies + Comunicação

  • Segunda a Sexta
    10h30-13h e 15h-18h

Universidade Lusófona, Campo Grande, 376, 1749 - 024 Lisboa. Gestão de conteúdos por Produção Multimédia
Direitos de autor © 2025 Cinema e Artes | Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário de Lisboa. Todos os direitos reservados.