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  • THE REINVENTION OF THE SELF IN FICTION - international screenplay workshop

THE REINVENTION OF THE SELF IN FICTION - international screenplay workshop

THE REINVENTION OF THE SELF IN FICTION - international screenplay workshop

by Miguel Clara Vasconcelos

JUNE, 20 / 21, Thursday and Friday, 10h - 18h

LISBOA, Universidade Lusófona, Campo Grande (Room S.0.9)

95€ pax (80€ sub-25)

APPLICATIONS: guioes@squatterfactory.com

During two intensive days, Miguel Clara Vasconcelos invites the participants to present their ideas, synopsis or short-film scripts. Through group discussion focused on each project, we will explore participants’ creativity to generate the most inspired solutions, we will explore the most creative solutions, allowing each author to overcome writing, direction and production obstacles.

This workshop is aimed at early career or established film writers and filmmakers, film and arts students, and all movie lovers interested in discussing the creative process.

Both Portuguese and English can be used depending on the nature of each project and preferences of the participant.

Miguel Clara Vasconcelos

Filmmaker and writer. Born in Lisbon (1971). Master’s degree in Cinematographic Studies, Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, 2012. Studied Classic and Portuguese Languages and Literature, Faculdade de Letras, Universities of Lisbon and Coimbra, 1996-2000. Post-graduated in Art and New Technologies, Universidad Europea de Madrid, 2003. Attended Gulbenkian’s course in ‘Devising and Directing Theatre, Live Art and Installation’ led by the company Third Angel (UK), Gulbenkian Creativity and Artistic Creation Programme, Lisbon, 2004. Attended the Choreographic Research and Creation Course at Forum Dança, Lisbon 2002. Won ‘Jovens Criadores’ scholarship from Centro Nacional de Cultura to pursue studies in Performance, Scenography and Installation at Facultad de Bellas Artes da Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain, 2001-02.

Wrote and directed the films “The Love Circus” (Sub-Ti Award, Torino, 2018), “Silent Meeting” (Best Portuguese Feature Film, Indielisboa, 2017) and “The Golden Triangle” (Best Portuguese Short Film, Curtas, Vila do Conde, 2014).

On the screenwriting field, his feature film screenplay “Voices Speaking Through Me” [Às Vezes Não Sou Eu Quem Fala Por Mim], won the third place award at Guiões – Portuguese Language Screenplays Festival, Lisbon 2018.

His short film screenplay “The Love Circus” [Le Cirque de l’amour] won the Beaumarchais-SACD award, at the Screenwriting International Competition, Travelling International Film Festival, Rennes, France, 2014.

More information here.


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Coordenação Pedagógica

International Studies + Comunicação

Edifício L, sala 0.6

International Studies
Pedro Caetano
Hind Kammourieh
Paula Cardoso Martins
Anna Coutinho
Pedro Caetano


Coordenação Pedagógica

  • Manhã
    10:00 - 13:00
  • Tarde
    15:00 - 18:00

International Studies + Comunicação

  • Segunda a Sexta
    10h30-13h e 15h-18h

Universidade Lusófona, Campo Grande, 376, 1749 - 024 Lisboa. Gestão de conteúdos por Produção Multimédia
Direitos de autor © 2025 Cinema e Artes | Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário de Lisboa. Todos os direitos reservados.