MILT Conference - 26 a 28 de Junho 2019

Join us in Lisbon, Portugal, on June 26-28, 2019 for the MILT conference - Media Literacy for Living Together: the future of media and learning in participation. This conference includes a Creative Game Jam (27-28 of June) co-organized with the Videogames bachelor degree at Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias.

MILT conference is the culminating event for MILT-Media Literacy for Living Together, a 12 month european pilot project, funded in 2018 by the Media Literacy for All programme of European Commission. MILT project emphasizes the key role of improving media literacy, especially among young people. A key rationale of this project is to enable participants to become agents of social change through their use of media and broader social engagement, incorporating the inclusion of minorities, marginalized groups and online interest communities as part of the general public.

Media creation, and particularly videogames and animation have been used in an active learning approach. Therefore, we invite scholars, teachers and practitioners to share their research in media literacy for all, particularly findings and to enrich the dialogue about the role of media creation in media literacy and forms of participation.

More information here.

We would like to highlight the following workshop:

27 of June:  from 10-13 hours

Workshop title: Create your own game

Language: English


Laptop with Twine and Scratch installed 

No prerequisites in game design ou development.


Michael Valeur is an author and concept developer specializing in games and interactive storytelling. He has extensive experience with conducting workshops on game development and interactive storytelling.

Anne Mette Thorhauge is associate professor in communication and IT at University of Copenhagen. She is former chair of the Danish media council for children and young people and has worked with children, media and citizenship for more than a decade. 

Registration is needed, in case you don't are registered for the MILT Conference. The maximum number of Participants is10. 

Price: 25 Euros

Workshop co-financed by MILT - Media Literacy for Living Together,

Project co-financed by European Commission Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology as part of the Pilot Project – Media Literacy For All Grant agreement no LC – 00865164


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Coordenação Pedagógica

International Studies + Comunicação

Edifício L, sala 0.6

International Studies
Pedro Caetano
Hind Kammourieh
Paula Cardoso Martins
Anna Coutinho
Pedro Caetano


Coordenação Pedagógica

  • Manhã
    10:00 - 13:00
  • Tarde
    15:00 - 18:00

International Studies + Comunicação

  • Segunda a Sexta
    10h30-13h e 15h-18h

Universidade Lusófona, Campo Grande, 376, 1749 - 024 Lisboa. Gestão de conteúdos por Produção Multimédia
Direitos de autor © 2025 Cinema e Artes | Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário de Lisboa. Todos os direitos reservados.