Special issue IJSIM

International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media
Special Issue 2024: Artistic Research Now
For the past 30 years, there has been an ongoing debate about the relationship between artistic practices and research, and their roles both within and outside of academia. The argument marking the beginning of the debate and often still carrying it has been structured around the individual pursuit of doctoral research (Slager 2004: 12). Summarising the early debate, Chris Rust states that it regularly focused on knowledge within disciplines rather than “collaborative interdisciplinary work” (Rust 2007: 70). Anke Haarmann (2019) suggests that while the content of art is undoubtedly acknowledged, its practice has not been fully considered, nor has it been studied from a theoretical research perspective. Jenny Wilson's work highlights how binary thinking perpetuates hierarchies and negatively impacts unconventional and non-traditional forms of artistic research. (Wilson 2018: vi–vii). Wilson explains: “maintaining that ‘artistic research is equivalent to academic research’ is also saying it is not really academic research” (Wilson 2018: vi). By adopting a collective approach to artistic research and involving both artists and researchers, we can move away from individual and discipline-centered thinking. This allows us to avoid oversimplifying complex issues and recognize the practices and theories that the arts promote.
The International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media (IJSIM) will be publishing a special issue that focuses on the exploration of artistic research and the various ways in which the arts can foster new ideas. The issue will highlight collectively conducted artistic research, theoretical thinking about the current state of artistic research in Film and Media Arts, and some leading examples of artistic research projects in Film and Media Arts. IJSIM invites submissions of papers and think pieces exploring the following areas:
• Experiences, potential and problems of conducting artistic research collectively;
• Artistic research beyond PhD research and/or academia;
• Demonstration of artistic research in film and media arts;
• Exhibiting and archiving artistic research;
• Artistic research and digital cultures: Extended Reality, AI, computational methods and games;
• Hybrid and experimental approaches to artistic research;
• Artistic research and media archaeology: transforming archives, mediating heritage, and questioning cultural artefacts and their displays;
• Artistic research and decolonization;
• Artistic research, Virtual Heritage and Narratives;
• Art as research in cognitive ecologies: expanded forms of art, film and media;
We welcome a diverse range of submissions, including academic articles, think pieces, and personal experiences from artists, industry experts, policy-makers, and other institutional stakeholders. We encourage authors to share their insights on both historical and contemporary events related to their field of interest.
Full manuscripts of either 4000–6000 words (including title, abstract, figures, tables, footnotes, bibliography and annexes) or the shorter ‘think piece’ format of around 2500 words, excluding refs, are expected by 15 April 2024. The special issue of IJSIM will be published online in the second half of 2024.
IJSIM is an open-access Scopus-indexed journal dedicated to the publishing of research on immersive media cultures developed with historical media and state-of-the-art technologies.
Please find registration and submission information at http://revistas.ulusofona.pt/index.php/stereo/information/authors
Journal Website: http://revistas.ulusofona.pt/index.php/stereo/
Authors are not requested for submission or processing fees. Under open-access politics, articles are fully available upon publication. For any query, please contact: journalstereoimedia@ulusofona.pt
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