
Animation Arts

Professor Doutor Paulo Viveiros
Coordenação Pedagógica
Inês Teixeira

The master in Animation Arts main drive is the education of animation arts and its production with the following highlights:

  • The knowledge and application of animation techniques.
  • The promotion of studies and animation literacy practices around the analyses, study and animation production; explore the dynamic characteristics of animation to promote in the students their own style and vision, through curriculum units with emphasis in innovation, invention and experimentation.
  • The specialization in animation arts for the audiovisual market and author films; following the rising popularity and commercial impact of the animation genre revealed in several audiovisual projects, this master has a goal of proposing the fundamental reinforcement in the animation education in Portugal, and therefore, the specialization of animation professionals.

More information.


Professor Doctor Luís Alegre
Pedagogical Coordination
Rita Carvalho

This Masters’ Degree proposes to promote the integration of knowledge and practice and stimulate the constant updating of Designers, through a permanent attitude of inquiry and experimentation that provides the capacity for autonomous action and team-work, fundamental in the prosecution of Design projects. It is equally intended to develop the researching skill of Designers/Masters’ students, namely in the context of projects articulated with less developed or emerging areas of Design, in a market updating perspective. The Masters’ Degree in Design intends to deepen project making skills in various areas of expertise, as well as develop and update the technical and technological domain of Designers: Application, test and development of conceptual, methodological, project making and production processes of Design, with special focus on areas of interdisciplinary and experimental innovation, in a context of renewal of the creative process itself; Understanding of recent developments in terms of materials, equipment and technologies, and its application to complex projects; Exploration of new fields of application for Design, in a transdisciplinary and specialisation perspective, namely in Inclusive Design, Web design, Video-Games, Illustration and Editorial Design, always resorting to solid conceptual and critical foundations. Development of individual research projects, of fundamental or applied research, in the sense of supporting or promoting innovation in Design.

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Professor Victor Candeias
Pedagogical Coordination
Pedro Caetano

The DOC NOMADS Joint Master Degree in Documentary Filmmaking is a two-year, full time, international graduate program (120 ECTS) delivered by a consortium of three prominent European universities across three countries: Portugal, Hungary and Belgium.

This is the first intercultural film school supported by the Erasmus Mundus program of the European Commission. About twenty-five students from all around the world follow a mobility track from Lisbon to Brussels, via Budapest. In doing so, students are immersed within different cultural environments, learning how to make use of their abilities outside their usual social contexts.

Taught entirely in English and taking a practical approach, DOC NOMADS’ unique curriculum and supportive faculty aims at expanding students' skills and creativity, while providing an integrated training that combines a focus on the arts with contemporary practices in film production.

Directing is essentially learnt through making films out in the real world. Students are asked to confront the aesthetic and practical challenges generated by the actual process of filmmaking and in doing so develop their critical thinking skill; gain autonomy in multifarious disciplines; and build – throughout the course – their own repertoire of formal approaches.

Upon completion of the program, degree holders will be prepared and qualified to enter a professional life in the craft of documentary filmmaking – as directors, as producers, as independent artists.

As an Erasmus Mundus Program, DOC NOMADS offers two-year scholarships to some of the selected European and non-European students.

DOC NOMADS Master Course is sponsored and supervised by the EACEA - Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission.

More information.

Film Studies

Professor Doctor
Manuel José Damásio
Pedagogical Coordination
Inês Santa

The Masters’ in Cinematography Studies integrates a study plan in the areas of Cinematography Studies, and is part of the integrated 2nd cycle training in the progression of the study of students with a Degree in Film, Video and Multimedia Communication, or other similar degrees. Complementarily, the degree is destined to all professionals who wish to deepen their competences in the fields of cinematography production and direction.

More information.

Kino Eyes

Professor Doctor
Manuel José Damásio
Pedagogical Coordination
Pedro Caetano

This two year MA programme is a brand-new highly intensive fiction film making masters degree supported by ERASMUS+.

The programme takes the form of four semesters’ teaching, along with a summer school. The teaching is unique for a film making MA in that it is split between three different film schools in three different European states: Lusófona University in Lisbon, Portugal, Screen Academy Scotland in Edinburgh/ Napier University, UK, and the Baltic Film and Media School in Tallinn, Estonia. The teaching in each campus reflects the strengths of the staff and educational history of each school, so providing each specialist student with a choice of the best possible options for learning. Each school has a substantial track record teaching masters film-making courses.

Also unique is the programme’s focus on the feature film as the object of study and aspiration, rather than the short film, as in most other courses.

Students will be recruited in the following areas: Directing, screenwriting, producing, cinematography, editing and sound. Around half the teaching will be geared to each specialism, while the rest will consist of transferable skills in film making, creative practice, entrepreneurship and critical thinking - skills that are essential for all film students.

Students will form collaborative teams and work towards a funded graduation project. These final thesis films will be expected to perform at first-tier international film festivals. Teaching on the programme will be supplemented by a comprehensive course of professional practice preparation, involving industry professionals from all over Europe, including production and craft specialists, distributors, festival programmers, financiers, lawyers and casting directors.

More information.

Coordenação Pedagógica

International Studies + Comunicação

Edifício L, sala 0.6

International Studies
Pedro Caetano
Hind Kammourieh
Paula Cardoso Martins
Anna Coutinho
Pedro Caetano


Coordenação Pedagógica

  • Manhã
    10:00 - 13:00
  • Tarde
    15:00 - 18:00

International Studies + Comunicação

  • Segunda a Sexta
    10h30-13h e 15h-18h

Universidade Lusófona, Campo Grande, 376, 1749 - 024 Lisboa. Gestão de conteúdos por Produção Multimédia
Direitos de autor © 2025 Cinema e Artes | Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário de Lisboa. Todos os direitos reservados.