PhD Programmes

Media Art

Professor Doutor José Gomes Pinto
Coordenação Pedagógica
Inês Santa

The field of media and digital technologies is rapidly configured, interactions between these are processed daily, the consumption habits vary widely, penetrating the socioeconomic structure, imposing new challenges to the different authors in the arts world.  This requires a redefinition of aesthetic categories, narrative and discursive within creative projects in digital platforms. With this PhD it is intended to create professionals able to build creative artifacts and introduce them in the different territories of the human activity, as well as researchers able to think the creative process through the new media.

This program is geared towards the formation of critical and creative mass able to respond, analytically, theoretically, historically, as well as technically and aesthetically, to the complexities risen by the experience of digital technologies in their different declinations: computer environments, virtual universes, augmented realities, mobile technologies, interactive platforms, multimedia worlds, social networks.

More information.

Coordenação Pedagógica

International Studies + Comunicação

Edifício L, sala 0.6

International Studies
Pedro Caetano
Hind Kammourieh
Paula Cardoso Martins
Anna Coutinho
Pedro Caetano


Coordenação Pedagógica

  • Manhã
    10:00 - 13:00
  • Tarde
    15:00 - 18:00

International Studies + Comunicação

  • Segunda a Sexta
    10h30-13h e 15h-18h

Universidade Lusófona, Campo Grande, 376, 1749 - 024 Lisboa. Gestão de conteúdos por Produção Multimédia
Direitos de autor © 2025 Cinema e Artes | Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário de Lisboa. Todos os direitos reservados.