Call for proposals – NOVUS

FilmEU WIRE, NOVUS invites proposals for innovative screen pieces that bridge traditional filmmaking and production with artistic research.
A strand of FilmEU WIRE, NOVUS invites proposals for innovative projects that bridge traditional filmmaking and production with artistic research. We recognise that many experts and distinguished practitioners within film and media arts universities excel in their creative fields but may not identify as artistic researchers. NOVUS seeks to harness this wealth of talent, providing a platform for cross-disciplinary collaboration that will reinvigorate traditional filmmaking with fresh perspectives and methodologies.
In this call, NOVUS will support the creation of at least 1 high-quality screen piece with seed funding of €5,000. With a maximum of 4 NOVUS funded projects during the 5-year period of WIRE.
We invite applications from small cross-disciplinary teams including creative practitioners and artistic researchers. Teams that bring together diverse skills and perspectives, fostering innovation in screen-based media. These may include academic and non-academic staff.
Teams must include:
- Members from a minimum of two FilmEU Alliance institutions.
- At least one team member must come from a Widening country (i.e., Portugal (Lusófona), Lithuania (LMTA), Slovakia (VSMU), Estonia (BFM-TLU), and/or Bulgaria (NATFA)).
- A combination of recognised practitioners (who do not necessarily have a research profile) and artistic/academic researchers.
If you are interested in applying for NOVUS, please complete the Application Form:
For more information please see Read More:
The maximum duration of a project is 6 months, starting in December 2024 and ending May 2025.
The work will be presented in-person at the annual FilmEU ARE (Artistic Research Exhibition) 2025 (planned to be run in conjunction with the FilmEU Summit at NATFA in Sofia) and through the online FilmEU ARE platform.
A short Matchmaking event will be held in October, aiming to encourage applicants to make connections across the FilmEU Alliance. We hope to see you there!
The deadline for applications is November 3rd at 23:00 CET.
Please send a completed application form in Pdf to Martina Mullaney (IADT) via e-mail to