Monday - 3rd June

Location: Music and Dance faculty / Dvorana (Closed sessions)

9h30-16h00: Leadership Symposium / Legal status for European Universities and the European Education Package

16h30-17h30: General Assembly – FilmEU Association

Location: Film and TV Faculty, Svoradova 2 (Closed sessions)

14h30-17h30: Work Package meetings


Tuesday - 4th June

Location: Music and Dance faculty / Dvorana (Closed sessions)

9h30-11h00: Academic Council Meeting

11h15-12h30: Steering committee presentation of onboarding

Location: Film and TV Faculty, Svoradova 2 (Closed sessions)

9h30-12h30: Work Package meetings

12h30-13h30: Lunch

Location: Hotel Tatra (Open to General Public)

14h00-14h15: Official FilmEU Summit Launch

14h15-15h15: Presentation "Future models for the film industry in small countries"

  • Jakob Isak Nielsen, Aarhus University

15h15-16h15: Navigating the Future in R&I capacity: Manuel José Damásio, Veerle Van der Sluys, Lies Van de Vijer, Marcel Oostdijk:

  • FilmEU_RIT Toolkit
  • FilmEU Innovation Vision Action Plan
  • FilmEU CommUnity Launch
  • Launch of the dynamic clusters
  • Sparc

FilmEU Innovation Vision Action Plan. Presentation of each new Partner by Manuel José Damásio, Marc Van De Walle

16h15-16h30: Coffee Break

16h30-17h00: Navigating the Future in Higher Education Joint BA and European degrees

17h00-18h00: Presentation of Samsara Challenge Result

18h00-19h00: Welcome Drink


Wednesday - 5th June

Location: Hotel Tatra (Closed sessions)

Work Packages presentations:

9h30-10h10: Work Package 2

10h10-10h50: Work Package 9

10h50-11h30: Work Package 3

11h30-11h50: Coffee Break

11h50-12h30: Work Package 8

12h30-13h10: Work Package 4

13h10-14h10: Lunch

14h10-14h50: Work Package 7

14h50-15h30: Work Package 5

15h30-16h10: Work Package 6

16h10-16h30: Coffee Break

16h30-17h30: Presentation “The future of screen media"

  • Sarah Atkinson, Kings College London

Location: Film and TV Faculty, Svoradova 2 (Open to General Public)

18h00-20h00: Students films screening


Thursday - 6th June

Location: Film and TV Faculty, Zochova 5

9h30-17h00: VFX Collegium - Ľudovít Labík

Location: Film and TV Faculty, Svoradova 2

10h00-13h00: Task Force Council Leaders, Project Management Office and Steering Committee meeting

10h00-13h00: Work Package meetings

13h00-14h00: Lunch

14h00-16h00: Seminal Funding Presentation

16h15-17h30: Cultural Inteligence Lecture

Location: Zichyho Palac, Venturska 9

19h00-21h00: Farewell cocktail (FilmEU Team)


Coordenação Pedagógica



Coordenação Pedagógica

  • Manhã
    10:00 - 13:00
  • Tarde
    15:00 - 18:00

Media and Arts Centre for Knowledge Transfer

  • Manhã
    9:00 - 13:00
  • Tarde
    14:30 - 17:00

Universidade Lusófona, Campo Grande, 376, 1749 - 024 Lisboa. Gestão de conteúdos por Produção Multimédia
Direitos de autor © 2022 Cinema e Artes | Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário de Lisboa. Todos os direitos reservados.